November 27, 2013


" The evil eyes in the sky "

They are everywhere if you consider your privacy, they can see it all? What are they? Why are they up in the skies like UFO's? Who controls them?

These are some of the few questions that pop up in our mind every time we hear about drone strikes somewhere in the world. They are actually unmanned flying machines controlled remotely at a military base, mostly thousand of miles away. They are equipped for tactile missions and have equipments such as hi-resolution cameras and even missiles at times. They are a new breed of warriors employed in the battlefields today, actually almost all of the news agencies are mapped with news about some or the other drone strikes somewhere in the world.

But are these mean machine so really mean? Can they just be used as weapons of mass destruction?

The answer to the above questions is NO.Drones are capable of much much more. They can be used in various circumstances where human intervention on board an aircraft is actually dangerous or tedious. Such situations can be weather observation, surveillance for pattern recognition in agricultural fields, or perhaps even traffic monitoring to understand several factors for different studies.

They are much much more than Killers they were designed to be much more. It's their use that makes them deadly yet the power behind the technology is immense. They are the frontrunners of unmanned aircrafts which perhaps in the future could also be extended to totally autonomous machines to do things even out of the earths atmosphere...


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